me irl

I like cereal and my girlfriend

hi i'm casey
28 // femme lesbian // she/her // leo

me irl

sweet mother, i cannot weave; slender aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl

  • I live in SoCal (US) and was born in Las Vegas, NV.

  • i like an animes. jojo's bizarre adventure, sailor moon, haikyuu, mob psycho 100, yuri on ice, others.

  • i listen to hozier, florence+the machine, kimya dawson, mitski, the mountain goats, iron and wine, and LOONA. other tunes too.

  • i tend to be verbose. i have a lot to say.

  • i play ffxiv it's fun. i play the sims a lot too

  • a sucker for period dramas, fanciful finery, clowns, rabbits, bath products, peaches, and floral prints

  • i draw and write. find my art on twitter and tumblr, find my writing on ao3 (linked on first page). i also cook, but that's not easily shared in an online medium

  • i love to talk but i may be slow to respond. give me time, i promise it's not personal.

how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist